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Cookson-CLAL is a French based company. European Union VAT and Import Duties apply. If you are UE : • Professionnal (with EU VAT) : You will not be charged VAT, customs and import duties. • Non professionnal : You will be charged French VAT. No customs and import duties. If you are non UE : You are responsible for any duties, taxes or additional costs levied on your product at the time of importation, and for paying those costs. We recommend you contact your local customs authority or postal service (where applicable) to learn more about customs restrictions and possible costs prior to placing your order. Please be aware that if you refuse to pay local taxes, we will not be able to refund your order until the goods have arrived back with us. We are at your disposal for any inquiry or order. Do not hesitate to contact us:
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© 2025 Cookson CLAL. Eingetragener Sitz: 5 Chemin du plateau, 69570 Dardilly, Frankreich. Aktiengesellschaft mit einem Kapital von 7.413.696,12 € - RCS Lyon B 412 399 792. Intrakommunale Mehrwertsteuer-Nr.: 84412399792.
Tel: 07231 940 1000 Email: